Publications of R Conrad

Journal Article (286)

Journal Article
Schuster, M.; Conrad, R.: Metabolism of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide during nitrification and denitrification in soil at different incubation conditions. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 101 (2), pp. 133 - 143 (1992)
Journal Article
Baumgärtner, M.; Bock, E.; Conrad, R.: Processes involved in uptake and release of nitrogen dioxide from soil and building stones into the atmosphere. Chemosphere 24 (12), pp. 1943 - 1960 (1992)
Journal Article
Thebrath, B.; Mayer, H.; Conrad, R.: Bicarbonate-dependent production and methanogenic consumption of acetate in anoxic paddy soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 86 (4), pp. 295 - 302 (1992)
Journal Article
Bloesl, M.; Conrad, R.: Influence of an increased pH on the composition of the nitrate-reducing microbial populations in anaerobically incubated acidic forest soil. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 15 (4), pp. 624 - 627 (1992)
Journal Article
Rothfuss, F.; Conrad, R.: Vertical profiles of CH4 concentrations, dissolved substrates and processes involved in CH4 production in a flooded Italian rice field. Biogeochemistry 18 (3), pp. 137 - 152 (1992)
Journal Article
Kalkowski, I.; Conrad, R.: Metabolism of nitric oxide in denitrifying Pseudomonas aeruginosa and nitrate-respiring Bacillus cereus. FEMS Microbiology Letters 82 (1), pp. 107 - 111 (1991)

Magazine Article (2)

Magazine Article
Conrad, R.: Mikobielle Methanproduktion: Treibhausgas aus Archaeen. (2011)
Magazine Article
Erkel, C.; Conrad, R.; Liesack, W.: Rice Cluster I-Archaea - Methanproduzierende Mikroorganismen im Reisfeldboden. (2007)

Book Chapter (13)

Book Chapter
Lu, Y.; Conrad, R.: Stable isotope probing and plants. In: Stable Isotope Probing and Related Technologies, pp. 151 - 163. ASM Press, Washington (2011)
Book Chapter
Conrad, R.: Temperature effects on methanogenic microbial communities. In: Microbes and the Environment: Perspectives and Challenges, pp. 35 - 40. Science Press, Beijing (2008)
Book Chapter
Conrad, R.: Soil microbial communities and global climate change – methanotrophic and methanogenic communities as paradigms. In: Modern Soil Microbiology, 2nd Edition, pp. 263 - 282. CRC Press, New York (2007)
Book Chapter
Conrad, R.: Methanogenic microbial communities associated with aquatic plants. In: Plant Surface Microbiology, pp. 35 - 50. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)
Book Chapter
Conrad, R.: Microbiological and biochemical background of production and consumption of NO and N2O in soil. In: Trace Gas Exchange in Forest Ecosystems, pp. 3 - 33. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Mass. (2002)
Book Chapter
Conrad, R.; Frenzel, P.: Flooded Soils. In: The Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology, pp. 1316 - 1333. Wiley, New York (2002)
Book Chapter
Conrad, R.; Dentener, F.J.: The application of compensation point concepts in scaling of fluxes. In: Approaches to Scaling of Trace Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems, pp. 205 - 216 (Ed. Bouman, A. F.). Elsevier (1999)
Book Chapter
Conrad, R.: Production and consumption of methane in the terrestrial biosphere. In: Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere, pp. 27 - 44 (Eds. Hellas, G.; Slanina, S.). SPB Academic Publ., Amsterdam (1997)
Book Chapter
Conrad, R.: Mechanisms of Release of NOx and COS from Soil and Soil Micro-organisms. In: Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Pollutants and Trace Substances, pp. 420 - 425 (Ed. Slanina, S.) (1997)
Book Chapter
Kesselmeier, J.; Bode, K.; Schjørring, J. K.; Conrad, R.: Biological mechanisms controlling exchange of trace gases between plants and the atmosphere. In: Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Pollutants and Trace Substances, pp. 117 - 133 (Ed. Slanina, S.). Springer, Heidelberg (1997)
Book Chapter
Conrad, R.: Metabolism of nitric oxide in soil and soil microorganisms and regulation of flux into the atmosphere. In: Microbiology of Atmospheric Trace Gases, NATO ASI Series, vol. 59, Vol. 59, pp. 167 - 203 (Eds. Murrell, J. C.; Kelly, D. P.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1996)
Book Chapter
Rothfuss, F.; Frenzel, P.; Conrad, R.: Gas diffusion probe for measurement of CH4 gradients, in Microbial Mats. Structure, Development and Environmental Significance4. In: NATO ASI Series, VOL G65, pp. 167 - 172 (Eds. Stal, L. J.; Caumette, P.). Springer, Berlin (1994)
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