Publications of R Conrad

Journal Article (286)

Journal Article
Henckel, T.; Conrad, R.: Characterization of microbial NO production, N2O production and CH4 oxidation initiated by aeration of anoxic rice field soil. Biogeochemistry 40 (1), pp. 17 - 36 (1998)
Journal Article
Klueber, H. D.; Conrad, R.: Inhibitory effects of nitrate, nitrite, NO and N2O on methanogenesis by Methanosarcina barkeri and Methanobacterium bryantii. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 25 (4), pp. 331 - 339 (1998)
Journal Article
Klueber, H. D.; Conrad, R.: Effects of nitrate, nitrite, NO and N2O on methanogenesis and other redox processes in anoxic rice field soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 25 (3), pp. 301 - 318 (1998)
Journal Article
Bollmann, A.; Conrad, R.: Enhancement by acetylene of the decomposition of nitric oxide in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29 (7), pp. 1057 - 1066 (1997)
Journal Article
Bollmann, A.; Conrad, R.: Acetylene blockage technique leads to underestimation of denitrification rates in oxic soils due to scavenging of intermediate nitric oxide. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29 (7), pp. 1067 - 1077 (1997)
Journal Article
Bollmann, A.; Conrad, R.: Recovery of nitrification and production of NO and N2O after exposure of soil to acetylene. Biology and Fertility of Soils 25 (1), pp. 41 - 46 (1997)
Journal Article
Dannenberg, S.; Wudler, J.; Conrad, R.: Agitation of anoxic paddy soil slurries affects the performance of the methanogenic microbial community. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 22 (3), pp. 257 - 263 (1997)
Journal Article
Koschorreck, M.; Conrad, R.: Kinetics of nitric oxide consumption in tropical soils under oxic and anoxic conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 25 (1), pp. 82 - 88 (1997)
Journal Article
Krylova, N.; Janssen, P.; Conrad, R.: Turnover of propionate in methanogenic paddy soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 23 (2), pp. 107 - 117 (1997)
Journal Article
Lechner, S.; Conrad, R.: Detection in soil of aerobic hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria related to Alcaligenes eutrophus by PCR and hybridization assays targeting the gene of the membrane-bound (NiFe) hydrogenase. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 22 (3), pp. 193 - 206 (1997)
Journal Article
Rothfuss, F.; Bender, M.; Conrad, R.: Survival and activity of bacteria in a deep, aged lake sediment (Lake Constance). Microbial Ecology 33 (1), pp. 69 - 77 (1997)
Journal Article
Roy, R.; Klüber, H.; Conrad, R.: Early initiation of methane production in anoxic rice soil despite the presence of oxidants. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 24 (4), pp. 311 - 320 (1997)
Journal Article
Schulz, S.; Matsuyama, H.; Conrad, R.: Temperature dependence of methane production from different precursors in a profundal sediment (Lake Constance). FEMS Microbiology Ecology 22 (3), pp. 207 - 213 (1997)
Journal Article
Wind, T.; Conrad, R.: Localization of sulfate reduction in planted and unplanted rice field soil. Biogeochemistry 37 (3), pp. 253 - 278 (1997)
Journal Article
Baumgartner, M.; Koschorreck, M.; Conrad, R.: Oxidative consumption of nitric oxide by heterotrophic bacteria in soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 19 (3), pp. 165 - 170 (1996)
Journal Article
Conrad, R.: Soil microorganisms as controllers of atmospheric trace gases (H2, CO, CH4, OCS, N2O, and NO). Microbiological Reviews 60 (4), pp. 609 - + (1996)
Journal Article
Conrad, R.: Anaerobic hydrogen metabolism in aquatic sediments. Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie: Mitteilungen 25 (1), pp. 15 - 24 (1996)
Journal Article
Koschorreck, M.; Moore, E.; Conrad, R.: Oxidation of nitric oxide by a new heterotrophic Pseudomonas sp. Archives of Microbiology 166 (1), pp. 23 - 31 (1996)
Journal Article
Lehmann, S.; Conrad, R.: Characteristics of turnover of carbonyl sulfide in four different soils. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 23 (2), pp. 193 - 207 (1996)
Journal Article
Peters, V.; Conrad, R.: Sequential reduction processes and initiation of CH4 production upon flooding of oxic upland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28 (3), pp. 371 - 382 (1996)
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