Publications of R. Conrad
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Journal Article (286)
Journal Article
25 (2), pp. 267 - 274 (2002)
Diversity of the particulate methane monooxygenase gene in methanotrophic samples from different rice field soils in China and the Philippines. Systematic and Applied Microbiology
Journal Article
47 (8), pp. 797 - 806 (2002)
Pathway of CH4 formation in anoxic rice field soil and rice roots determined by 13C-stable isotope fractionation. Chemosphere
Journal Article
8 (3), pp. 265 - 280 (2002)
Seasonal variation in pathways of CH4 production and in CH4 oxidation in rice fields determined by stable carbon isotopes and specific inhibitors. Global Change Biology
Journal Article
39 (3), pp. 211 - 218 (2002)
Effect of temperature stress on structure and function of the methanogenic archaeal community in a rice field soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Journal Article
35 (1), pp. 62 - 67 (2002)
Saccharolytic activity and its role as a limiting step in methane formation during the anaerobic degradation of rice straw in rice paddy soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 1999
Journal Article
28 (3), pp. 193 - 202 (1999)
Contribution of hydrogen to methane production and control of hydrogen concentrations in methanogenic soils and sediments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Journal Article
65 (3), pp. 1009 - 1014 (1999)
High-affinity methane oxidation by a soil enrichment culture containing a type II methanotroph. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Journal Article
31 (3), pp. 463 - 473 (1999)
Thermodynamics of methane production in different rice paddy soils from China, the Philippines and Italy. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Journal Article
65 (3), pp. 1009 - 1014 (1999)
High-affinity methane oxidation by a soil enrichment culture containing a type II methanotroph. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Journal Article
1 (2), pp. 159 - 166 (1999)
Methanogenic archaea and CO2-dependent methanogenesis on washed rice roots. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Journal Article
28 (1), pp. 49 - 61 (1999)
Effect of methanogenic precursors (acetate, hydrogen, propionate) on the suppression of methane production by nitrate in anoxic rice field soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 1998
Journal Article
21 (4), pp. 569 - 578 (1998)
Sulfur oxidation in rice field soil: Activity, enumeration, isolation and characterization of thiosulfate-oxidizing bacteria. Systematic and Applied Microbiology
Journal Article
43 (7), pp. 1511 - 1518 (1998)
Effect of gas bubbles on the diffusive flux of methane in anoxic paddy soil. Limnology and Oceanography
Journal Article
26 (4), pp. 281 - 288 (1998)
Thermodynamics of propionate degradation in methanogenic paddy soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Journal Article
26 (4), pp. 317 - 324 (1998)
Efficiency of hydrogen utilization during unitrophic and mixotrophic growth of Acetobacterium woodii on hydrogen and lactate in the chemostat. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Journal Article
21 (2), pp. 185 - 200 (1998)
Methanogenic degradation of polysaccharides and the characterization of polysaccharolytic clostridia from anoxic rice field soil. Systematic and Applied Microbiology
Journal Article
30 (4), pp. 509 - 515 (1998)
Denitrification coupled to nitrification in the rhizosphere of rice. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Journal Article
4 (4), pp. 387 - 396 (1998)
Influence of O2 availability on NO and N2O release by nitrification and denitrification in soils. Global Change Biology
Journal Article
30 (4), pp. 433 - 442 (1998)
Simultaneous measurement of nitric oxide production and consumption in soil using a simple static incubation system, and the effect of soil water content on the contribution of nitrification. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Journal Article
4 (4), pp. 397 - 407 (1998)
Effects of short-term drainage and aeration on the production of methane in submerged rice soil. Global Change Biology