
Journal Article
Köhler, R.; Murray, S. M.: Plasmid partitioning driven by collective migration of ParA between nucleoid lobes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (18), e2319205121 (2024)
Journal Article
Connolley, L.; Schnabel, L.; Thanbichler, M.; Murray, S. M.: Partition complex structure can arise from sliding and bridging of ParB dimers. Nature Communications 14 (1), 4567 (2023)
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Köhler, R.; Sadhir, I.; Murray, S. M.: ★Track: Inferred counting and tracking of replicating DNA loci. Biophysical Journal 122 (9), pp. 1577 - 1585 (2023)
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Sadhir, I.; Murray, S. M.: Mid-cell migration of the chromosomal terminus is coupled to origin segregation in Escherichia coli. Nature Communications 14 (1), 7489 (2023)
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Subramanian, S.; Murray, S. M.: Subdiffusive movement of chromosomal loci in bacteria explained by DNA bridging. Physical Review Research 5 (2), p. 023034 (2023)
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Köhler, R.; Kaganovitch, E.; Murray, S. M.: High-throughput imaging and quantitative analysis uncovers the nature of plasmid positioning by ParABS. eLife 11, e78743 (2022)
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Connolley, L.; Szczepaniak, J.; Kleanthous, C.; Murray, S. M.: The quantitative basis for the redistribution of immobile bacterial lipoproteins to division septa. PLOS Computational Biology 17 (12), p. e1009756 (2021)
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Osorio-Valeriano, M.; Altegoer, F.; Das, C. K.; Steinchen, W.; Panis, G.; Connolley, L.; Giacomelli, G.; Feddersen, H.; Corrales-Guerrero, L.; Giammarinaro, P. I. et al.: The CTPase activity of ParB determines the size and dynamics of prokaryotic DNA partition complexes. Molecular Cell 81 (19), pp. 3992 - 4007 e10 (2021)
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Subramanian, S.; Murray, S. M.: Pattern selection in reaction diffusion systems. Physical Review E 103 (1), 012215 (2021)
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Szczepaniak, J.; Holmes, P.; Rajasekar, K.; Kaminska, R.; Samsudin, F.; Inns, P. G.; Rassam, P.; Khalid, S.; Murray, S. M.; Redfield, C. et al.: The lipoprotein Pal stabilises the bacterial outer membrane during constriction by a mobilisation-and-capture mechanism. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 1305 (2020)
Huertgen, D.; Mascarenhas, J.; Heymann, M.; Murray, S. M.; Schwille, P.; Sourjik, V.: Cover Feature: Reconstitution and Coupling of DNA Replication and Segregation in a Biomimetic System (ChemBioChem 20/2019), SI 20, p. 2532 - 2532 (2019)
Journal Article
Huertgen, D.; Mascarenhas, J.; Heymann, M.; Murray, S. M.; Schwille, P.; Sourjik, V.: Reconstitution and Coupling of DNA Replication and Segregation in a Biomimetic System. SI 20 (20), pp. 2633 - 2642 (2019)
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Hofmann, A.; Makela, J.; Sherratt, D. J.; Heermann, D.; Murray, S. M.: Self-organised segregation of bacterial chromosomal origins. ELIFE 8, e46564 (2019)
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Huertgen, D.; Haertel, T.; Murray, S. M.; Sourjik, V.; Schwille, P.: Functional Modules of Minimal Cell Division for Synthetic Biology. SI 3 (6), 1800315 (2019)
Journal Article
Murray, S. M.; Howard, M.: Center Finding in E. coli and the Role of Mathematical Modeling: Past, Present and Future. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 431 (5), pp. 928 - 938 (2019)
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Hürtgen, D.; Murray, S. M.; Mascarenhas, J.; Sourjik, V.: DNA Segregation in Natural and Synthetic Minimal Systems. Advanced Biosystems 3 (6), 1800316 (2019)
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Mundt, M.; Anders, A.; Murray, S. M.; Sourjik, V.: A System for Gene Expression Noise Control in Yeast. ACS SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY 7 (11), pp. 2618 - 2626 (2018)
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Guzzo, M.; Murray, S. M.; Martineau, E.; Lhospice, S.; Baronian, G.; My, L.; Zhang, Y.; Espinosa, L.; Vincentelli, R.; Bratton, B. et al.: A gated relaxation oscillator mediated by FrzX controls morphogenetic movements in Myxococcus xanthus. Nature Microbiology 3 (8), pp. 948 - 959 (2018)
Journal Article
Murray, S. M.; Sourjik, V.: Self-organization and positioning of bacterial protein clusters. Nature Physics 13 (10), pp. 1006 - 1013 (2017)
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Schenk, K.; Hervas, A.; Roesch, T.; Eisemann, M.; Schmitt, B.; Dahlke, S.; Kleine-Borgmann, L.; Murray, S. M.; Graumann, P.: Rapid turnover of DnaA at replication origin regions contributes to initiation control of DNA replication. PLoS Genetics 13 (2), e1006561 (2017)
Journal Article
Leslie, D.; Heinen, C.; Schramm, F.; Thuring, M.; Aakre, C.; Murray, S.; Laub, M.; Jonas, K.: Nutritional Control of DNA Replication Initiation through the Proteolysis and Regulated Translation of DnaA. PLOS Genetics 11 (7), e1005342 (2015)
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Murray, S. M.; Panis, G.; Fumeaux, C.; Viollier, P. H.; Howard, M.: Computational and genetic reduction of a cell cycle to its simplest, primordial components. PLoS Biol 11 (12), p. e1001749 (2014)
Huet, I.; Murray, S.: Polarization Tensors for the fuzzy Grassmannians GrF2;n and Grassmannian harmonics on Gr2;n. arXiv (2012)
Review Article
Murray, S.; Govaerts, J.: Noncommutative spherically symmetric spaces. Physical Review D 83 (2), p. 025009 (2011)
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Govaerts, J.; Murray, S.: Noncommuting coordinates and magnetic monopoles. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (1), 008 (2010)
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Murray, S.; Ringeval, C.; Zonetti, S.: Graviton confinement inside hypermonopoles of any dimension. JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS (9), 015 (2010)
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Brian P. Dolan; Idrish Huet; Murray, S.; Denjoe O'Connor: A universal Dirac operator and noncommutative spin bundles over fuzzy complex projective spaces. Journal of High Energy Physics (03) (2008)
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Murray, S.; Sämann, C.: Quantization of flag manifolds and their supersymmetric extensions. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 12 (3), pp. 641 - 710 (2008)
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Dolan, B. P.; Huet, I.; Murray, S.; O'Connor, D.: Noncommutative vector bundles over fuzzy ℂℙN and their covariant derivatives. Journal of High Energy Physics (07) (2007)